Big Data
Jon Orwant
March 5, 2013 4:00pm
Rm B02, Auditorium, Coordinated Science Laboratory 1308 W. Main
For the first time in our history, it’s possible to analyze the entire output of our society at once. All the books, all the pictures, all the videos, all the people: each is a corpus of information now amenable to computational processing. In this talk I’ll give some examples and talk about the implications of being able to crunch data on the largest possible scales.
Dr. Jon Orwant leads Google Research in their Boston and Paris offices. He received four degrees from MIT, culminating in his PhD from the Electronic Publishing Group in 1999. Before joining Google he was the CTO of O’Reilly Media, Director of Research for France Telecom, and a Lecturer at MIT. He published an indie computer magazine and is the author of several books on programming, including the bestselling Programming Perl.
This event is part of the series Culture as Data : Social Spaces on the Internet, coordinated by Center Co-Director Karrie Karahalios.